Membership Benefits

Membership benefits to both the individual dive program administrator and institution are outlined below. The resources to create, maintain and grow a safe and effective zoo and aquarium dive program are what we share as members.

DSO Listserv – one of our most utilized benefits provides a secure platform for members to communicate about pertinent issues, ideas and challenges. This is an invaluable resource that taps into years of experience and the most unique aquatic institutions in the country.

DPiC – Dive Program in the Cloud – web-based application facilitating dive program administrative compliance needs including dive logging, equipment inventory and maintenance tracking, dive physicals, and training expiration dates.

Eligibility to attend ADPA Annual Symposium and Networking Session – in conjunction with the Dive Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA) conference, this day-long gathering is a forum of presentations by ADPA members, invited Corporate Partners, and the business of the ADPA Board and Committees.

Eligibility to attend Training Day at ADPA Annual Symposium – in addition to our ADPA Annual symposium, you can attend a variety of training workshops on topics of gear repair and training, management techniques, and a variety of important dive safety officer and industry issues.  The DSO workshop for new and current DSO’s is updated annually to reflect current trends and DSO needs.

Google Site and online resources – this member’s only resource provides access to ADPA Annual Symposium presentations, dive program information, and management tools from the ADPA programs around the country, and a link to the ADPA DSO Brett Dodson Scholarship application.

Bottom Times Newsletter – this quarterly publication is chock full of industry-driven articles and training information, IT updates, organizational spotlights, Dive Hacks, current corporate partnerships, job announcements, and equipment recalls.  Members can contribute to this valuable membership benefit.

Brett Dodson ADPA DSO Scholarship – active members of ADPA in good standing, who have never attended our ADPA Annual Symposium, are eligible to apply.  This scholarship helps to fund a new zoo or aquarium Dive Safety Officer to attend the ADPA Annual Symposium & Training Day and The Diving Equipment & Marketing Association (DEMA) annual trade show.

Group Representation – take advantage of relationships that have been forged over the years with the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS), Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), RAW, AALSO, and ADPA Corporate Partners, for direct access to wholesale pricing and various other industry contacts.

Professional Development – access to networking with industry peers, specialized training for aquarium and zoo dive program administrators, and program enhancement opportunities.

Website – while accessible to the public, this website offers a resource page and other member information.

We encourage all members to take a very active role in the growth of ADPA. Together, we are evolving to offer the best professional support we can for each other. We need your input and involvement to accomplish this goal. Ask how you can help our resource library grow.