The ADPA Corporate Partner Program offers a unique opportunity to network with zoo and aquarium dive professionals from around North America as we gather to discuss and present on important industry topics, initiatives, and equipment. Most attendees have the final say in deciding what brand of dive equipment and supplies to purchase or what dive industry-related contractor to hire for their respective institutions.
The ADPA can offer a significant market for your diving product, help generate positive media impressions for your brand, and offer exposure to the general public who visit zoos and aquariums. ADPA institutional dive programs regularly benefit from local, national and international print, television, and social media exposure.
With this partnership, your organization can benefit greatly from equipment and product sales, and the public exposure aquariums, zoos, and aquatic institutions provide. Corporate Partners can be vendors, industry suppliers, and other relevant companies or donors. Partnerships are offered on a first come first serve basis and run from July 1st – June 30th each year.
ADPA Corporate Gold Partner ($2500)
As an ADPA Corporate Gold Partner, you will have the following benefits:
- Ability to send product/service advertisements quarterly to the ADPA listserv to sell your product to the member institutions (work directly with DSO and/or institution).
- Inclusion on the ADPA Corporate Partner direct access vendor list regularly sent to all members.
- ADPA Website exposure ( including:
- Use of the ADPA name and logo in advertising.
- Product exposure via DSO, the institution dive staff, the volunteer dive team, and the institution’s visitors.
- Your logo on the ADPA website and symposium packet.
- Clickable banner ads that link directly to the vendor’s site.
- Footers on all membership correspondence.
- Two representatives to attend and table at our annual symposium social. May purchase up to four extra tickets.
- Ability to table and showcase products/services in the ADPA seminar room at DEMA.
- One display table at the Symposium with up to two representatives.
- 5-minute speaking opportunity (BoD approved) at the Symposium held the day before DEMA starts as well as one display table (2 representatives).
ADPA Corporate Gold Partners:
ADPA Corporate Silver Partner ($1000)
As an ADPA Corporate Silver Partner, you will have the following benefits:
- Inclusion on the ADPA Corporate Partner direct access vendor list regularly sent to all members.
- ADPA Website exposure including:
- Use of the ADPA name and logo in advertising.
- Product exposure via DSO, the institution dive staff, the volunteer dive team, and the institution’s visitors.
- Your logo on the ADPA website and symposium packet.
- Clickable banner ads that link directly to the vendor’s site.
- Footers on all membership correspondence.
- One representative to attend and table at our annual symposium’s social each year. May purchase up to two extra tickets.
- Ability to table and showcase products/services in the ADPA seminar room at DEMA.
ADPA Corporate Silver Partners:
Additional Information:
Mauritius Bell