Dive Hack submitted by David DeBoer
The Problem:
Radio comm line stress caused by stacking multiple banana plugs and losing all diver comms when removing one diver comm plug.
The Solution:
Separate all diver comm lines by building a custom hub. Parts are readily available online to build a hub with ports for every diver.
Here’s what you will need:
Outdoor electrical box with holes and caps
- Banana binding post couplers wall plate (shown is for 4 speakers – one coupler for red plugs, one for black)
- Red and black speaker wire
- Two red and two black banana plugs with enough wire to connect hub to diver radio
- Soldering equipment (although not needed this is the most secure method… trust me!)
- Disassemble your binding post couplers, then reassemble so one coupler is all red posts on top, the other all black on top.
- Strip your speaker wire and twist lock them into a pattern shown – red on one side, black on the other.
- At the last set of posts, twist lock two red banana plugs to the red coupler and black plugs to the black coupler.
- Do a dry test for functionality.
- Upon success, solder all wires to posts.
- Assemble red and black couplers into an electric box.
- Feed red and black banana plugs through an electric box hole. Screw couplers to the box. Add a wall plate and you’re ready to go!