Annual Symposium


Our annual Symposium is a daylong gathering of Dive Program Administrators. This professional forum is the only gathering of Dive Program Administrators in the country. Held just before the DEMA (Dive Equipment & Marketing Association) trade show, this is the event where ADPA members gather to present methods and techniques to run an effective dive safety program.

While attending the Symposium, you will be able to professionally network with other Dive Program Administrators from within the country and some from around the world. You will learn about developments within the zoo and aquarium diving industries and have the opportunity to sit in on presentations from other Dive Program Administrators. This is an opportunity to meet your dive industry peers and learn from others what has and has not worked at their facilities, as we all continuously strive towards building effective and safe dive programs. You will have opportunities to listen to our Corporate Partners display their newest products and explain how they can create a positive impact to your dive program.

Benefits of attending include:

  • Networking with fellow dive program administrators from national and international organizations and institutions.
  • Face-to-face time and gear demos with Corporate Partners of ADPA.
  • Informative presentations by your peers with topics ranging from: dive safety, field research, training techniques, program management, and the latest and greatest of institutional projects.

The Symposium is open to all active Association members and invited guests.

A Networking event directly follows in the eveningThis is a great opportunity to put names to faces from the ADPA Listserv and have more time to interact with your industry peers and network your way to better your dive program.

Are you going to the Symposium for the first time?

Are you nervous about all the note taking you will need to do?

Did you hear an idea that was done at another diving facility and wanted to know how they did that?First time attendee without institutional support? Apply for the Brett Dodson ADPA DSO Scholarship to help cover your expenses.

Good news, all the presentations given at the Symposium are documented in the ADPA member site for active members to review.

Members can access presentations from the Symposium in the document repository of the ADPA Member Site.

Typical Schedule

Saturday- Board of Directors Meeting

Sunday – Professional Development and Training Day

Monday – Annual Symposium

Pre-registration and fee required for all sessions (Must be a current paid active member to attend)

Tuesday – Friday DEMA, Possible ADPA Events

Have questions about whether you should attend or how to make it a reality, reach out to